Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sick Day

My cold took a turn for the worse and Nathan had a snow day today... I laid around in bed reading more Piers Anthony (he's got me hooked on these) while he graded papers. Then he informed me that I was allowed to pick anything for dinner and he'd cook it. I thought, and thought, and thought... considered all different options, nothing sounded right. Then, while we were making a grocery list for my heavy-duty necessary shopping trip on Monday, I realized it had been a longgg time since we'd had tacos! Like 4 months. Geez.

So Nathan made tacos, the way we always make tacos... with venison. They were delicious. And the spiciness of the taco sauce cleared out my sinuses! Just in time to smell the brownies coming out of the oven!

That's right, Nathan baked me brownies. They are tasty. And gooey. And everything brownies should be. He sprinkled chocolate chips into the mix, and they were perfect. He literally earned some brownie points today!

Yum! (Alright, promise I will find a real camera to start using soon)

So, what's for dinner (and dessert) at your house tonight?

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